Friday, May 3, 2013


17 days... 

Tonight I am overwhelmed by the generosity of our friends and family. You all have responded to our requests for prayers, goodies for Evan's hospital stay, and blood donations! It is so awesome to see how much you all love our little guy!

Everything has been set up with the local blood bank for direct donations for Evan's surgery. If you are still interested in being a direct donor, and have O+ blood, please let me know and I will add you to the donor list! If you aren't O+ and still want to donate, Evan can receive credits for your donation! You can donate now or after his surgery. Next time you go to donate, just let them know you want to credit Evan Sawyer.

Check out Evan's hospital treasure box! It is overflowing with goodies to keep Evan occupied during his hospital stay! He is so excited to get into this box! He also has two full bags of his favorite snacks to munch on! Seriously, friends, thank you!

This week I finally got around to making Evan's hospital gowns. The hospital issued gowns are usually too big(and purple) so I figured I would take a shot at making my own. I couldn't find a pattern for what I was looking for so I grabbed some chalk and just winged it. I am SO happy with the way they came out! My only regret is not making a pattern before I finished them! LOL They are kimono style and open up in the front. I also added snaps to the shoulders for easy access to IVs and the Central line (the big IV in the chest that goes to a large vein near the heart). Each gown took about an hour to complete (including cutting time) and cost about $6-8. 

My model refused to stand up ;) 

Seriously, friends, we are just so grateful for your generosity.  We love you all so much! Big HUGS to all of you! 

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